Thursday, 31 December 2009

E-Rekod Mengajar dan Selamat Tahun Baru

Assalamualaikum wbr, Selamat sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia,

Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua khususnya warga SM Tinggi Melaka. Semuga pada tahun 2010 kita dapat berkhidmat dan bekerjasama dengan lebih baik lagi bagi menjayakan visi dan misi selolah khususnya dalam menjayakan Tugas Utama 2010 iaitu MHSMP (Memartabatkan High School , Memperkasakan Pelajar) seperti yang diilhamkan dan diwawarkan oleh Tn. Pengetua, Hj. Abd. Razak bin Che Ngah. Sebagai seorang daripada warga MHS, saya ingin berkongsi penggunaan sistem E-Rekod Mengajar dalam penulisan Rekod Mengajar Harian guru. Alhamdulillah taklimat kepada guru-guru telah diberikan pada 31 Disember 2009. Saya berharap rakan-rakan guru dapat memanfaatkan sistem tersebut bagi menyokong dan menjayakan salah satu bidang kebitaraan Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan kita iaitu ICT. Saya mengalu-alukan sebarang komen bagi penambahbaikan kepada sistem tersebut. Akhir kata saya petik satu ungkapan dalam buku 'Success One Day At A Time' dan 'Teamwork Makes The Dream Work' karangan John C. Maxwell ,
How do you spell Success?
Select your goal.
Unlock you personal potential.
Commit yourself to your plan.
Chart your course.
Expect problems.
Stand firm on your commitment.
Share the reward with others.

Working Together as a TEAM ; Together Everyone Achieves More

Happy New Year

Sunday, 6 December 2009


Assalamualaikum wbr dan Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia. Bengkel Di Ambang SPM 2009 telah dan akan diadakan pada hari Jumaat, 4 Dis 2009 dan Isnin, 7 Dis 2009. Bagi yang tidak berkesempatan hadir sesi bengkel berkenaan cubalah menjawab soalan-soalan dalam modul ini. Saya doakan anda akan berjaya dengan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan ini terutamanya bagi subjek Chemistry. Selamat Menjawab Soalan Chemistry
Modul Di Ambang SPM 1 Chemistry 2

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

PROGRAM ULANGKAJI INTENSIF(Intensive Revision Program)

Super Thinkers' Module IRP Set 3
Memandangkan pelajar MHS dikuarantin di rumah atas arahan Kementerian Kesihatan disebabkan langkah berjaga-jaga penularan wabak Influenza A H1N1, saya berharap anda dapat melakukan ulangkaji berdasarkan modul IRP Set 3. Jawapan disediakan diakhir modul. Sila cuba dahulu. Hubungi saya jika anda mempunyai masalah. Jaga diri anda baik-baik. Utamakan kebersihan diri. Patuhi langkah-langkah yang telah diberi oleh pihak Kementerian Kesihatan.

Monday, 6 July 2009


Sambutan bulan Sains dan Matematik peringkat sekolah telah diadakan pada 15 hingga 30 Jun 2009. Sambutan pada tahun ini bertemakan Ke arah Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik.
Objektif program tersebut adalah:
1. Membolehkan murid mengaplikasikan pengetahuan sedia kepada situasi sebenar
2. Mencetuskan pemikiran kreatif dan bakat disamping membentuk nilai dan konsep kendiri.
3. Melahirkan modal insan yang memiliki ciri-ciri intelek dan kemahiran Sains dan Matematik bagi memacu negara ke arah kejayaan.
4. Memupuk kecintaan terhadap bidang Sains dan Matematik

Majlis perasmian Bulan Sains dan Matematik telah disempurnakan oleh En. Chong Yoon Choi, Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran, SMK Tinggi Melaka pada 15 Jun 2009 semasa perhimpunan rasmi sekolah. Antara aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dijalankan ialah:
(a) Kuiz Sains dan Matematik
(b) Pertandingan roket air
(c) Pertandingan mencipta payung terjun
(d) Kuiz ' Chemistry Mind Millionaire'
(e) Pertandingan jejak maklumat Sains dan Matematik
(f) 'Capture the Chem-Mystery'
(g) Pameran Sains, Biologi, Fizik dan Kimia oleh murid SMK Tinggi Melaka
(h) Pameran 'Solar Cooker'
(i) Pameran 'My Heart, My Insects and My Plants
(j) Pameran dan ceramah daripada Melaka Biotechnology Corporation
(k) Lawatan ke Jabatan Kimia Malaysia
(l) Lawatan ke Petronas Penapisan Melaka

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


  • Candidate has a very good knowledge and understanding in chemistry. He/she master all the facts and concepts in chemistry
  • The explanation given is accurate, short and precise
  • Candidate use the chemical terms and spelling correctly
  • Candidate show all the calculation very well and can state the correct unit
  • The diagram drawn is functional and labeled completely
  • Enriched vocabullary and proper English used in essays
  • Correct spelling


  • Candidate can understand facts and concepts in chemistry fairly
  • Explanations given are correct but sometimes too long causing the candidates lose mark
  • Candidate write answer for calculation without unit
  • The chemical equation unbalanced
  • The label of diagram is not complete
  • Moderate vocabulary with correct key words / terms used
  • Certain mistakes in spelling


  • Candidate can only understand basic chemistry at the lower level
  • The candidates do not understand what is being asked by the question. Therefore the answer is short, blur and the message conveyed is quite difficult to understand
  • The candidates left blank space for explanation question
  • Candidate can not write the chemical formula, chemical equation and calculation correctly
  • Candidate does not understand the chemical process involved
  • Candidate also weak in using correct term, correct grammar and limited vocabulary used


1. Read the question carefully to understand the task.
2. Should plan in writing the answer to make sure the answers are correct, accurate and precise including using the right terms.
3. Answer should contain accurate and precise facts in detail to avoid misunderstanding, wrong interpretation and doubt.
4. Must fully master all basic chemistry concepts especially the mole concept and periodic table of element.
5. Always do exercise in drawing correct diagram and label it completely
6. Understand when to use the formula and name
7. Write unit when doing calculation
8. Memorize chemical symbol in order to write balance equation
9. Can differentiate between atom, ion and molecule
10. Can differentiate between electrochemical series and reactivity series.
11. Use scientific term correctly, correct grammar and language in answering the question.


1. Teaching and learning must cover all chapters.
2. Give exercise right after teaching each topic to enhance learning.
3. Enhance teaching and learning by mastering chemistry concept especially mole concept.
4. Teach student how to draw correct diagram with complete labeling – not by asking the student to copy it from text book.
5. Always give student task with question at difference level of difficulty.
6. Guide student to understand task and on how to write good answers.
7. Expose students on how to write good essay
8. Teacher should ensure that the candidates understand the application that is being taught in everyday life because some of questions on application to daily life.
9. Always use correct and accurate terms and give accurate meaning of concept in teaching and learning.

10. Always encourage student to use correct grammar and language in answering question.


Principle 1 : Believe in yourself
Every brain has genius capacity. It takes time, effort and guided study to get access to this potential. Set goals for yourself and develop plans for achieving them.

Principle 2 : Prepare
The difference between mediocre performance and excellent grades can often be the quality of your preparation. Preparing your study environment, your attitude and your focus will have an amazingly positive impact on the effectiveness of your learning activity.

Principle 3 : Organize yourself and your work.
Always have a plan for your studying. Write out that plan. Review your plan constantly and revise it constantly. The best thing to do is to expect changes and be ready for the process. Needing to make changes in your plan does not mean failure, it means inexperience at planning and life being inevitably inconsiderate with our plans.

Principle 4 : Spend time on what matters
Set priorities and make sure you are spending time on tasks that will help you accomplish the goals that are those priorities.
in the midst of writing dowm plans, developing seft-discipline and making schedules, many students begin to feel that school is consuming their life. That is missing the point. The work will be there anyway. You cannot avoid it. Studying and homework are major part of what it means to be a student and a learner.

Principle 5 : Discipline yourself
There is no substitute for self-control and discipline. The best stydy techniques, tricks and hints are useless if you have no willpower to put them into practice.

Principle 6 : Be persistent
Just keep on keeping on. Persistence is more important than talent, genius or luck. All those will be useless without persistence but persistence can bring success without them.

Principle 7 : Divide and conquer
The concept of 'divide and conquer' is central to successfully completing any large study task such as term paper, preparing for examination or reading a thick textbook. Simply, you analyse the task, divide it into smaller separate tasks and make a writtem list of all the smaller tasks. The final step is to put the tasks in order of priority. Remember, the drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence, but by often falling.

Principle 8 : Become an information filter
When you practise good reading and note-making techniques, you are becoming an information filter; you are learning to distinguish between what is important to remember and what is not.

Principle 9 : Practice output as well as input
To practice output as well as input, it is helpful to think of the brain as a computer. The information you study is data input, the material is processed by the brain, and you are required to create output in the form of lab reports, essays and exam answers. To get the most out of the data, you must actively turn it into information that is useful. You must process it properly and practice output.

Principle 10: Do not fear mistakes
Mistakes are the best teachers. Don't be afrail to try something new just because you don't think you will get it right the first time. Without mistakes we would not have any information about how to do better the next time.
There are four steps to learning:
(a) Take an action and make mistakes
(b) Review the result and identify mistakes
(c) Decide how to do better the next time
(d) Go to the first step (which is now the 'next time') and make different mistakes

Principle 11 : Use all your intelligences to create study tools
Traditional school and study habits use only two of your seven major intelligences. (linguistic, mathematical/logical, musical, visual/spatial, physical, interpersonal and intrapersonal). It has been proven that if you use more than one or two interlligences in your studying, you will learn more, learn faster and will be more likely to recall the information for the exam and even years later. It will become part of you.

Principle 12 : Be active
All the best human data processing and output practice using many of your intelligences have one thing in common. They require that you be active with the material. You cannot be a passive reader or listener and expect to get much out of textbook or teachers. All study, reading and listening skills comes down to the same thing: as soon as you hear or read something, you need to do something with it immediately in your brain. Once you've done the extra thinking, you need to do a second active thing; write in down.